Please note that the programme timing will vary according to the time-zone offset for your country. If you attend the UK course (GMT/BST), the lecture times will be 2-3 hours later than shown on the programme.
Ask us anything about our courses and the answers will appear below. For example, enter a topic to see if we cover it, or see forthcoming dates.
How much does it cost to attend the MRI in Practice Course?
As a general guide, all pricing is based on the cost of the UK course:
UK (GMT/BST) - £800 GBP
USA (CST) - $1000 USD
Adjusting for inflation, our course is about half the price it was in the year 2000 - yet contains TEN additional lectures. It has never been better value.
The base price of the course is always as shown above.
Non-EU payments may be slightly more than the UK fee because of increased credit card transaction fees imposed following Brexit and the increased cost of Digital Rights Management. Exchange rates will also have an effect on price because the course fee is reviewed annually and does not take exchange-rate fluctuations into account. Discounts and sponsorship may also affect pricing.
Please visit the relevant page for current pricing for each course.
Lectures included in the MRI in Practice Course/Handbook Course Bundle
Basic Principles (Fundamentals) of MRI (Westbrook)
This is one of the main topics covered on day 01 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Nuclear structure
MR active nuclei
Precession and resonance
Signal generation
Relaxation processes
A condensed version of this lecture is also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Image Contrast (Westbrook)
This is one of the main topics covered on day 01 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Contrast definition
MRI contrast parameters
Fat and Water characteristics
T1 Recovery
T1 Recovery time
T1 Contrast and TR
T2 Decay
T2 Decay time
T2 contrast and TE
T1 Weighting
T2 Weighting
Proton density weighting
Diffusion Weighting
Stejskal-Tanner gradient scheme
Diffusion-weighted images
A condensed version of this lecture is also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Instrumentation (Equipment) (Dr John Talbot)
This is one of the main topics covered on day 01 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Cold head
Cryogen vent
Cryogen chamber
Ramping the magnet
Flux density
Magnet shielding
Shim system
Gradient system
RF system
RF transmitter
RF receiver coils
Elements from this lecture are also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
MRI Safety (Dr John Talbot)
This is one of the main topics covered on day 01 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Safety Zones
Primary magnetic field
Spatial gradient
Translational and rotational forces
Active and passive implants
Intra-ocular foreign bodies
Radiofrequency pulses
Induction effects
Antenna effect
Patient heating
Time-varying gradient magnetic fields
Peripheral nerve stimulation
Acoustic noise and hearing protection
Quench risks
A condensed version of the safety lecture is also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Instrumentation (Equipment) (Dr John Talbot)
This is one of the main topics covered on day 01 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Cold head
Cryogen vent
Cryogen chamber
Ramping the magnet
Flux density
Magnet shielding
Shim system
Gradient system
RF system
RF transmitter
RF receiver coils
Elements from this lecture are also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Spin-Echo Pulse Sequences (Dr John Talbot)
This is one of the main topics covered on day 02 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Free induction decay
The mechanism of the 180 degree rephasing pulse
Spin-spin dephasing
T1 vs. T2
Types of spin-echo sequence
Conventional spin echo
Single echo acquisition
Multiple echo acquisition
Clinical applications
Elements from this lecture are also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Fast Spin-Echo Pulse Sequences - Mechanism, Uses and Tradeoffs (Dr John Talbot)
This is one of the main topics covered on day 02 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Fast (Turbo)Spin-Echo, mechanism
Advantages and trade-offs
RF deployment
Driven Equilibrium Fourier Transform
Inversion Recovery
"T1" Weighting at suboptimal field strength
Short Tau Inversion Recovery
Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery
Clinical applications
Elements from this lecture are also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Gradient Echo (Fast Field Echo) Pulse Sequences (Westbrook)
This is one of the main topics covered on day 02 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Flip Angles
Gradient Mechanism
Weighting Mechanisms
Extrinsic Parameters
The Steady State
Echo generation
Ernst Angle
Gradient-Echo Sequence Types
Gradient Echo Acronyms
Rewound GE
Spoiled GE
Reverse GE
Balanced GE
Turbo GE
Single Shot GE
Echo-Planar Imaging
Hybrid Sequences
Elements from this lecture are also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Spatial Encoding in MRI (Dr John Talbot)
This is a topic covered on day 03 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Historic background
Gradients in spatial encoding
Gradient functions
Slice selection
Slice location
Slice thickness
Slice gap
Field of view
Phase and frequency
Sampling waveforms
Temporal frequencies
Spatial frequencies
A novel vector model (Plewes)
Acquiring an image - phase and frequency encoding
Relating the data to the image
Fourier transformation
Elements from this lecture are also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
K-space 01 (introduction) (Westbrook)
This is a topic covered on day 03 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Revision of gradient mechanisms in pulse sequences
k-space functions and characteristics
The Chest of Drawers Analogy
Cartesian filling of k-space in a basic pulse sequence
How k-space is used to optimise image quality
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
K-space 02 (Data-Acquisition and Image Production) (Westbrook)
This is a topic covered on day 03 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Revision of spatial encoding
Sampling and analogue to digital conversion (ADC)
The Wheel Analogy
The Runner on the Track Analogy
User-friendly Fourier Analysis
How data points in k-space create MR images
The receive bandwidth - its importance in protocol optimisation
Advantages and disadvantages of each technique in clinical use
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
K-space 03 (Non-Cartesian Filling Methods) (Westbrook)
This is a topic covered on day 03 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Partial Fourier
Fast or Turbo spin echo pulse sequences
Respiratory Ordered Phase Encoding
Centric k-space filling
Single and multi-shot
Radial k-space filling
How k -space determines image geometry
Parallel and compressed imaging
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Protocol Optimisation (Westbrook)
This is a topic covered on day 04 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
What is meant by a protocol.
Balancing image quality and scan time
Signal to noise ratio.
Field Strength.
Coil choice.
Coil position.
Time to Repeat.
Time to Echo.
Flip angle
Number of signal averages.
Receive bandwidth.
Contrast to noise ratio.
Spatial resolution
Voxel volume
Scan time.
Phase matrix.
Elements from this lecture are also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Image Artefacts in MRI (Extrinsic) (Dr John Talbot)
This is a topic covered on day 04 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Array Processor Error
Damaged Coils
Extraneous RF
Field Inhomogeneity
Magnetic Susceptibility
Moiré Fringing
Noise Spike
Nyquist Ghost
Standing Wave
A condensed version of this lecture is also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Image Artefacts in MRI (Intrinsic) (Dr John Talbot)
This is a topic covered on day 03 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Chemical Shift
Magic Angle
Out of Phase Signal Loss
Phase Mismapping
A condensed version of this lecture is also made available for participants to watch on-demand after the course has finished.
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
Flow and Magnetic Resonance Angiography (Dr John Talbot)
This is a topic covered on day 03 of the MRI in Practice course. The lecture aims to cover all of the important aspects of this subject including:
Flow Phenomena
Entry Slice Phenomenon
Time of Flight
Black-Blood Imaging
Maximum Intensity Projection
Ray Tracing
In-Plane Flow
Plug Flow
Laminar Flow
Gradient Moment Nulling
Turbulent Flow
Stenotic Flow
Flow-Dependent MRA
Inflow Angiograms 2D
Inflow Angiograms 3D
Ramped RF
Multiple Overlapping Thin Slab Acquisition (MOTSA)
Phase Contrast Angiography
ECG-Gated 3D Fast Spin Echo
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
MRI of the Brain (Dr Catherine Westbrook)
This is a topic covered by the Handbook of MRI course which is available free of charge to all MRI in Practice course participants. The lecture covers the following elements:
The Brain - Introduction
Anatomical Landmarks
Common Indications
Patient Positioning
Patient Care
Slice Prescription
Contrast Agents
Protocol Modifications
Internal Auditory Meati (IAM)
IAM Slice Prescription
IAM Protocols
IAM Examples
Pituitary Fossa
Pituitary Slice Prescription
Pituitary Protocols
Pituitary Examples
Orbits Patient Positioning
Orbits Slice Prescription
Orbits Protocols
Orbits Examples
Vascular Imaging
Vascular Imaging Slice Prescription
Vascular Imaging Examples
Image Quality Considerations
Common Artefacts
Phase Mismapping
Magnetic Susceptibility
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
MRI of the Spine (Dr Catherine Westbrook)
This is a topic covered by the Handbook of MRI course which is available free of charge to all MRI in Practice course participants. The lecture covers the following elements:
The Spine - Introduction
Anatomical Landmarks
Patient Care
Common Indications
Patient Positioning
Protocols - Introduction
Slice Prescription - Cervical Spine
Slice Prescription - Thoracic Spine
Slice Prescription - Lumbar Spine
Pulse Sequences Used
Contrast Agents - Examples
Protocol Optimisation
Common Artefacts
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
MRI of the Body (Dr Catherine Westbrook)
This is a topic covered by the Handbook of MRI course which is available free of charge to all MRI in Practice course participants. The lecture covers the following elements:
Body MRI - Introduction
The Liver
Liver Anatomy
Indications for MRI of the Liver
Patient Positioning
Patient Care
Slice Prescription
Liver Protocols
Contrast Agents and pathology examples
Image Optimisation
The Breast
Breast Anatomy
Indications for MRI of the Breast
Patient Positioning
Slice Prescription
Breast Protocols
Pathology Example
Breast Implants
Image Optimisation
The Prostate Gland
Prostate Anatomy
Indications for MRI of the Prostate
Patient Positioning
Patient Care
Slice Prescription
Prostate Protocols
Pathology Example
Image Optimisation
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
MRI of the Upper Limb (Dr Catherine Westbrook)
This is a topic covered by the Handbook of MRI course which is available free of charge to all MRI in Practice course participants. The lecture covers the following elements:
The Upper Limb - Introduction
The Shoulder
Shoulder Anatomy
Indications for MRI of the Shoulder
Patient Positioning
Patient Care
Slice Prescription
Shoulder Protocols
Contrast Agents and pathology example
The Elbow
Elbow Anatomy
Indications for MRI of the Elbow
Patient Positioning
Slice Prescription
Elbow Protocols
Pathology Examples
Contrast Agents
The Wrist
Wrist Anatomy
Indications for MRI of the Wrist
Patient Positioning
Slice Prescription
Wrist Protocols
Pathology Example
Protocol Optimisation in Upper Limb MRI
Common Artefacts
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
MRI of the Lower Limb (Dr Catherine Westbrook)
This is a topic covered by the Handbook of MRI course which is available free of charge to all MRI in Practice course participants. The lecture covers the following elements:
The Lower Limb - Introduction
The Hips
Hip Anatomy
Indications for MRI of the Hips
Patient Positioning
Patient Care
Slice Prescription
Hip Protocols
Contrast Agents
The Knee
Knee Anatomy
Indications for MRI of the Knee
Patient Positioning
Slice Prescription
Knee Protocols
Pathology Examples
Contrast Agents
The Ankle
Ankle Anatomy
Indications for MRI of the Ankle
Patient Positioning
Slice Prescription
Ankle Protocols
Ankle Pathology Example
Protocol Optimisation in Lower Limb MRI
Common Artefacts
You can find a full list of topics and course content in our brochure.
A-Z of Topics Covered on the Course
We said that this course covers all you need to know at one low price, here is a fairly exhaustive list of the topics covered on the course.
Acoustic noise and hearing damage
Acoustic noise and hearing protection
Acquiring an image - phase and frequency encoding
Active and passive implants
Advantages and trade-offs in MRI
Adverse events in MRI
Anatomical landmarks
Ankle anatomy
Ankle pathology example
Ankle protocols
Antenna effect
Array processor error
Balanced gradient echo
Balancing image quality and scan time
Black-blood imaging
Blurring (fast spin echo)
Body MRI
Breast anatomy
Breast implants
Breast protocols
Cartesian filling of k-space in a basic pulse sequence
Centric k-space filling
Chemical shift
Claustrophobia and Anxiety
Clinical applications
CNR and Anatomy
CNR and Exogenous Contrast Media (Gadolinium)
CNR and Fat Saturation
CNR and Pathology
Coherent transverse magnetisation
Coil choice.
Coil position.
Cold head
Common artefacts
Common indications
Compressed imaging
Contrast agents
Contrast agents - examples
Contrast agents and pathology examples
Contrast definition
Contrast to Noise Ratio (Defined)
Conventional spin echo
Cross excitation/crosstalk
Cryogen chamber
Cryogen vent
Damaged coils
Dielectric effect (standing wave artefact)
Diffusion weighting
Diffusion-weighted images
Driven equilibrium Fourier transform
ECG-gated 3D fast spin echo
Echo generation
Echo-planar imaging
Effective TE
Elbow anatomy
Elbow protocols
Electromagnetic radiation
Energy states
Entry slice phenomenon
Ernst angle
Extraneous RF
Extrinsic parameters
Fast field echo
Fast (turbo) spin echo
Fast (turbo) spin-echo, mechanism
Fast (turbo) spin echo pulse sequences
Fast Fourier Transform
Fat and Water characteristics
Fat/water shift (chemical shift)
Field inhomogeneity
Field of view
Field strength.
Flip angles
Flow phenomena
Flow-dependent MRA
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (flair)
Flux density
Fourier analysis
Fourier transformation
Free induction decay
Frequency encoding
Ghosting (Phase Mis-mapping)
Gradient echo
Gradient echo acronyms
Gradient echo summary
Gradient functions
Gradient mechanism
Gradient moment nulling
Gradient system
Gradient-echo sequence types
Gradients in spatial encoding
High-velocity signal loss
Hip anatomy
Hip protocols
Historic background
How data points in k-space create MR images
How k -space determines image geometry
How k-space relates to image quality
Hybrid sequences
IAM protocols
IAM slice prescription
Image optimisation
Image production
Image quality considerations
In-plane flow
Indications for MRI of the Ankle
Indications for MRI of the Brain
Indications for MRI of the Breast
Indications for MRI of the Elbow
Indications for MRI of the Hips
Indications for MRI of the Knee
Indications for MRI of the Liver
Indications for MRI of the Prostate
Indications for MRI of the Shoulder
Indications for MRI of the Wrist
Induction effects
Inflow angiograms 2D
Inflow angiograms 3D
Inhomogeneity of B0
Internal auditory meati (IAMs)
Intra-ocular foreign bodies
Inversion recovery
Inversion recovery sequences
K-Space Filling Error
K-space functions and characteristics
Knee anatomy
Knee protocols
Laminar flow
Larmor frequency
Liver anatomy
Liver protocols
Magic angle
Magnet shielding
Magnetic susceptibility
Maximum intensity projection
Moiré fringing
MR active nuclei
MRI contrast parameters
MRI safety
Multiple echo acquisition
Multiple overlapping thin slab acquisition (MOTSA)
Net magnetic vector
Noise spike
Nuclear structure
Number of signal averages (NSA).
Nyquist's ghost
Orbits examples
Orbits patient positioning
Orbits protocols
Orbits slice prescription
Out-of-Phase imaging
Out-of-Phase signal cancellation
Parallel and compressed imaging
Partial Fourier
Passive implants (aneurysm clips)
Patient care
Patient comfort and immobilisation
Patient heating
Patient positioning
Patient screening
PD weighting
Peripheral nerve stimulation
Phase and frequency
Phase contrast angiography
Phase encoding
Phase matrix
Phase mis-mapping
Pituitary examples
Pituitary fossa
Pituitary protocols
Pituitary slice prescription
Plug flow
Precession and resonance
Primary magnetic field
Prostate anatomy
Prostate protocols
Protocol modifications
Protocol optimisation
Proton density weighting
Pulse sequences used
Pulsed electromagnetic field
Quadrature ghost
Quench risks
Radial k-space filling
Radiofrequency pulses
Radiofrequency transmitter coil
Ramped RF
Ramping the magnet
Ray tracing
Receive bandwidth.
Receiver coil
Relating the data to the image
Relaxation processes
Respiratory ordered phase encoding (ROPE)
Reverse GE
Rewound (coherent) gradient echo
RF deployment
RF leak
RF receiver coils
RF system
RF transmitter
Safety zones
Sampling and analogue to digital conversion (ADC)
Sampling waveforms
SAR and scanning modes
Scan acquisition time
Scan Time vs Pulse Sequence Parameters
Shim system
Short tau inversion recovery (stir)
Shoulder anatomy
Shoulder protocols
Signal detection
Signal generation
Signal to noise ratio.
Single and multi-shot
Single echo acquisition
Single-shot GE
Slice gap
Slice location
Slice position
Slice prescription
Slice selection
Slice thickness
Slice thickness (transmit bandwidth)
Slice-selective excitation
SNR factors
SNR vs Field of View
SNR vs Flip Angle
SNR vs Matrix
SNR vs Number of Signal Averages (NSA) (NEX) (NAQ)
SNR vs Receiver Bandwidth
SNR vs Receiver Coil
SNR vs Slice Thickness
Spatial frequencies
Spatial gradient
Spatial resolution
Spatial Resolution vs Frequency Matrix
Spatial Resolution vs Matrix
Spatial Resolution vs Phase Matrix and Rectangular FOV
Spin-spin dephasing
Spins vector model
Spoiled GE
Spoiled gradient echo
Standing wave
Stejskal-Tanner gradient scheme
Stenotic flow
T1 Contrast and TR
T1 recovery
T1 recovery time
T1 weighting
T1 weighting at suboptimal field strength
T2 contrast and TE
T2 decay
T2 decay time
T2 weighting
TE and image contrast
Temporal frequencies
The ankle
The antenna effect and implant heating
The brain
The breast
The elbow
The electromagnetic spectrum
The hips
The induction effect and patient heating
The knee
The liver
The lower limb
The mechanism of the 180 degree rephasing pulse
The prostate gland
The receive bandwidth in protocol optimisation
The shoulder
The spatially-varying field
The spin echo
The spine
The steady state
The upper limb
The wrist
Time from inversion (TI)
Time of flight (TOF)
Time to Echo (TE)
Time to Repeat (TR)
Time-varying gradient magnetic fields
TR and image contrast
Translational and rotational forces
Turbo GE
Turbulent flow
Types of spin-echo sequence
Undersampling (truncation, Gibbs' artefact)
Vascular imaging
Vascular imaging examples
Vascular imaging slice prescription
Venetian blind artefact
Voxel volume
Weighting mechanisms
What is meant by a protocol.
Wrap (aliasing)
Wrist anatomy
Wrist protocols
X gradient malfunction
Y gradient malfunction
Check Dates on Our Course Calendar
Check our course calendar to see the dates for all of our forthcoming courses.
In summary our next courses are:
Australia [intdates-B2] … [intdates-C3] (split into two deliveries of 2 days each).
USA [intdates-B17] … [intdates-C17] (split into two deliveries of 2 days each).
I would like to organise a course with you
We are happy to collaborate with local organisers in any country, please send an email to ObscureMyEmail and we will get back to you with our terms. Please note that we no longer provide live face-to-face courses. We offer the same experience online.
Is the Handbook of MRI Technique Course available in the UK, USA and Australia?
Yes, it is bundled together with the MRI in Practice Online Course. It is not available as a stand-alone course.
NHS Procurement, Preferred Suppliers, Purchase Orders and Shared Business Services (SBS)
If you require more information to set up a purchase order or for Shared Business Services, please contact us at courseemail and let us know what documents you require.
Are any of your courses open to people living in Russia?
No, our courses are no longer available to people living in Russia or Belarus or any other country supporting the invasion of Ukraine.
Do you still offer live, face-to-face (F2F) courses?
We no longer offer any face to face teaching. This is for several reasons:
1. Course feedback shows that participants much prefer the convenience and general vibe of online courses.
2. We can include more content than in a live course delivery by including streaming on-demand lectures. This offers amazing value.
3. Streaming lectures can be rewound, reviewed and revised, live lectures cannot.
4. It halves the cost for participants because they do not have to pay for travel, accommodation and food.
5. It removes a substantial financial risk for the organisers (hotel and conference venues charge the full delegate day-rate in advance - payable even if participant numbers are less than expected).
6. It makes the course COVID-proof.
How do I enrol on the Handbook of MRI Technique course?
You simply enrol on the MRI in Practice Online Course and the Handbook course is included free of charge. In countries where the MRI in Practice course is not currently offered, the Handbook course was formerly available on a lecture-by-lecture basis.
This service was abused, is now discontinued and will no longer be offered.
Radiation Oncologists and Radiation Therapists
We welcome radiation oncologists and radiation therapists and have been a preferred education provider for both Elekta and Philips Medical Systems who manufacture MRI Linac machines.
CPD Certificates
Participants attending the online course will receive a certificate.
Participants who have been seen to attend (watch) the full course will receive a CPD certificate. Participants who have not been seen to have watched the full course will receive a certificate of attendance. The lecture server keeps a track of content accessed which allows us to confirm attendance if required by a professional body.
The CPD offered depends on which course has been attended:
In the UK, the course is endorsed by the Society and College of Radiographers CPD Now. This is offered on a whole-course basis (i.e. not by the hour). Participants attending the UK course (i.e. online courses delivered to GMT/BST) will be eligible for this CPD certificate. It identifies the learning outcomes achieved, it does not provide any indication of activity hours, because this is irrelevant for CPD Now endorsement. Participants who live in Australia, but attend the UK course may be eligible for an ASMIRT CPD certificate (see below). Participants who are not from the UK or Australia and fall under different CPD regulations will still receive a CPD certificate, but it may not be recognised by their local professional body.
In Australia, the course is endorsed by the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT). This accreditation is offered on an hourly basis (30 hours). Participants attending the Australian course (i.e. online courses delivered to AEDT) will be eligible for this CPD certificate. The certificate lists the hours of activity as required. Participants who live in the UK, but attend the Australian course may be eligible for a CPD Now certificate (see above). Participants who are not from Australia or the UK and fall under different CPD regulations will still receive a CPD certificate, but it may not be recognised by their local professional body.
Participants from the USA are welcome to attend any of our courses, but we do not offer any CPD certification. This is largely due to the fact that most of our USA participants are veterinary radiologists and, therefore, do not fall under the same professional body as MRI Techs. In addition the cost and complexity of CPD approval in the USA is not worth our time and expense for the number of participants for whom the appellation applies.
Please note
We cannot offer certificates with any other CPD accreditation or any other wording than the ones awarded at the end of each course because we do not have approval from any other professional bodies.
Replacement/Additional Certificates
The course fee includes the provision of one certificate. This is delivered at the end of the course via the course programme page and is available for download until midnight. Sometimes delegates lose their certificates or fail to download them after the course has ended. On some rare occasions a delegate may qualify for two certificates (for example if they are based in one country but working in another).
In any of the above scenarios we can replace, or provide additional certificates for an admin fee of £20.00. Please email ObscureMyEmail to let us know your name and the date of the course attended, then make a payment from the link below. We will send your certificate within 5 working days of payment.
Veterinary Radiologists and Radiographers
MRI in Practice is predominantly a CPD course, looking at the fundamental principles of the modality in the context of clinical practice. These apply equally to veterinary practice and we therefore welcome veterinary radiologists and radiographers on the course. We have a long-standing track-record of teaching MRI to these disciplines, in fact before going exclusively on-line we offered the MRI in Practice course in collaboration with veterinary MRI radiologist Amy Zalcman at the University of Missouri veterinary school. Our feedback shows that veterinary practitioners find this course extremely beneficial, giving an average excellence score of 94%. Our course is now also the go-to MRI course for veterinary practitioners in the UK and we attract a large number of veterinary practitioners from Australia (and other countries) on our January course.
Who would benefit from this course? For whom is it intended?
Primarily, MRI in Practice is intended to be a continuing professional development (CPD) course for medical imaging practitioners working in the field (or intending to work in the field) of MRI. We welcome radiographers, technologists, radiologists, radiation therapists, radiation oncologists, veterinary practitioners, veterinary radiographers, physicists, researchers and any other discipline that needs to understand MRI.
Will this course (does this course) make me a qualified MRI practitioner (permit me to work as an MRI practitioner)
We receive quite a few emails asking if this course will make someone a fully qualified MRI practitioner. This is not the case. If you wish to practice medical imaging, you first need to take an undergraduate degree in that field. In the UK, for example, that would be a degree in diagnostic radiography. This course is primarily a continuing professional development course for those already qualified in medical imaging.
Course Content
Read more information about our course content, syllabus, programme and feedback.
Courses for Australasia
Courses open to Australian locations such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin.
Courses for Belgium
Courses open to Belgian locations such as Antwerp, Ghent, Brussels, Bruges, Leuven, Mons, Mechelen, Aalst.
Courses for Canada
Courses open to Canadian locations such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg.
Courses for Europe
Courses open to European countries.
Courses for Qatar
We occasionally present the course live in Qatar, but the following online courses are open to people living in Qatar.
Courses for Germany
Courses open to German locations such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Köln, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Dortmund.
Courses for the Netherlands including Holland
Courses open to Netherlands locations such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Groningen, Tilburg, Almere, Breda, Nijmegen.
Courses for New Zealand
Courses open to New Zealand locations such as Aukland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton, Tauranga.
Courses for Kenya
We used to run the live course in Kenya, the following online courses are now available to people from this region.
Courses for Scandinavia
Courses open to Scandinavia. Denmark (replaces live Copenhagen course), Norway (replaces live Oslo course), Sweden (replaces live Stockholm course), Finland.
Courses for Ireland
Courses open to Irish locations such as Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Derry, Limerick, Galway.
Courses for South Africa
Courses open to locations in South Africa such as Johannesburg, Cape Town, Ekurhuleni, Durban, Tshwane.
Courses for the USA
Courses open to American locations such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Austin, Jacksonville, Fort Worth, Columbus, Charlotte, San Francisco, Indianapolis, Seattle, Denver, Washington.
Courses for the UK
Courses open to UK locations such as London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Southampton, Liverpool, Bristol, Newcastle, Sunderland, Wolverhampton, Oxford, Cambridge.
Courses for the Middle East
Courses open to Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain.
Courses for Kuwait
Courses open to Kuwait locations such as Al Aḩmadī, Ḩawallī, As Sālimīyah.
Course Brochure
Our course information brochure. Please download this to show to your manager or education facilitator.
How do I apply to come on the course?
Please choose a location from the menu at the top of the page and complete the application form for the course you are interested in.
Central Europe
New Zealand
North America
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
Who presents the course and what are their qualifications to be lecturing on such courses?
The course is always presented by Dr Catherine Westbrook EdD, MSc, DCR(R), PGc(LT), CT Cert, FHEA and Dr John Talbot EdD, MSc, DCR(R), PGc(LT), FHEA.
As professional academics, Cathy and John both hold Master of Science degrees in Magnetic Resonance Imaging and are both fully-qualified Doctors of Education. This is a key requirement when teaching post-graduates such as radiographers.
These qualifications are important because In addition to mastery of their subject, credible course presenters should be qualified in teaching and learning because that is their role. Anyone who claims to provide educational services (and charges money for those services) must be qualified in education. Educational fraud, including fake courses taught by non-qualified "lecturers" affects over 43 million people per year and costs the victims hundreds or thousands of pounds. Please do not fall for this type of scam.
Before applying for a course - simply ask the provider to give you:
the names of the people who will be presenting the course and
evidence of their qualifications in education (PGCLT or ideally EdD)
Note that this is not the same as their qualifications in radiography, or post graduate qualifications in medical imaging. For teaching radiographers and radiologists the qualification should be an EdD or equivalent. A PhD is not an educational qualification per se., but may be acceptable. Don't be fobbed off with vague statements such as "experts in their field" or "wealth of clinical experience" those statements apply to all radiographers who have been working for a while. What you deserve is a qualified lecturer.
Cathy and John are also both Fellows of the Higher Education Academy. The HEA vision is for students in UK higher education to enjoy the highest quality learning experience in the world and we bring that philosophy to everything we do - including MRI in Practice - The Course.
We are not aware of any other MRI course of this type that is presented by a faculty who are all qualified in both MRI and Education at this level. Please consider this when choosing which MRI course is likely to address your needs. If a course provider is not qualified to teach, it is ethically questionable as to whether they should be selling educational services. Some commercial MRI courses are delivered by speakers who are not qualified in either MRI or Education!
The new online course is offered to the countries below. The timing may be inconvenient depending on your proximity to GMT and AEDT time zones.
Terms and Conditions
1.1 The Course Organisers
The MRI in Practice course is presented exclusively on-line. The presenters are Dr. Catherine Westbrook and Dr. John Talbot (hereafter identified as the presenters).
The presenters are sole traders offering private tuition. We are not a registered company. The course is classed as private tuition and is delivered via Zoom meeting and incorporates teaching materials in the form of streaming-video lectures. All enquiries should be directed to ObscureMyEmail.
In some cases the presenters are contracted to deliver the course by a third-party course organiser who administers the course. In some cases the organiser may be a registered company involved in health, education or both.
All requests for information relating to the administration of such courses, including payments, refunds etc should be directed to the course organiser.
1.2 Course Content
The course materials are updated constantly, to keep pace with changes within the field of MRI and to take advantage of the latest presentation technology and as such the course content may vary over time. The programme provided on this web site and in our promotional materials is for guidance only and we reserve the right to alter the timing and running order of the lectures to meet the requirements of the individual organiser and the venue.
1.3 Course Attendance
MRI In Practice is only offered on a whole-course basis, as a 4-day event. Participants only wishing to attend for particular days are welcome to do so, however, the price is the same as the 4-day event and no CPD certificate can be awarded unless the participant has been seen to attend the whole course and watch all the lectures. Participants who are taken ill during the course and who are unable to attend sessions may be offered an opportunity to attend the following course. There are no alternatives offered, lectures are not made available for private viewing or on-demand. They are only available to watch whilst the course is in progress.
For the UK/Europe course (Greenwich Mean Time or British Summer Time), participants can choose to split their attendance across two consecutive courses. This flexible approach may help to facilitate study leave, and also will allow people who are very new to the field, to put the basic principles into practice before attending the second two days. This option is offered under the following firm conditions:
The full course fee is paid up front at the time of registration.
The days must be attended in the correct order.
The person registering and attending days 01 and 02 must be the same person attending days 03 and 04. Attendance may not be shared between a number of people.
Both courses must be UK/Europe deliveries.
If the participant is unable to attend days 03 and 04, for any reason, the remainder of the course fee is forfeited. No refunds are available and no substitutions may be made, there is no option to switch dates to a further course delivery.
A CPD certificate is awarded only after having attended all four days.
1.4 Intellectual Property and Copyright Issues
The names MRI in Practice, and MRI in Practice / The Course are copyright 1992-present date Blackwell Science (Wiley Books) & Dr. Catherine Westbrook.
All text and graphics in this web site and in the course materials are copyright (2009-present date) Blackwell Science (Wiley Books) and Dr. John Talbot.
Photography, digital downloading, audio recording, screen-grabbing and video recording of the course content is strictly prohibited including (but not limited to) the use of mobile phones, iPods, iPads, tablet PCs, voice recorders, digital cameras and any type of computer. The presenters reserve the right to disable access to participants in the event that any of these activities are reported by the video server.
1.5 On-line course protection against copyright theft
The online course uses geo-location software and digital fingerprinting that can be detected in the event that a video is recorded by any means. Your attendance on the course implies consent to our use of such software and the placing of cookies on your computer. This content may be used as evidence to explicitly identify the person who captured the recording by date time and location. If such content gets into the public domain we always take legal action against the person responsible. Please do not attempt to record or share on-line content. Offenders will be prosecuted.
This includes screening the lectures to any third party. The on-line lectures are for individual rental as part of the course fee. Public screening, or screening in an institution such as a school, hospital or university may constitute a civil or criminal offence. Accessing the lectures from a hospital, educational establishment, commercial premises or public space is prohibited. There are no exceptions made to this rule. In such cases legal action will be taken against the institution in question and they will be banned from accessing any further courses.
CPD Certificates
Participants attending the online course will receive a certificate.
Participants who have been seen to attend (watch) the full course will receive a CPD certificate. Participants who have not seen to have attended the full course will receive a certificate of attendance. The lecture server keeps a track of content accessed.
The CPD offered depends on which course has been attended:
In the UK, the course is endorsed by the Society and College of Radiographers CPD Now. This is offered on a whole-course basis (i.e. not by the hour). Participants attending the UK course (i.e. online courses delivered to GMT/BST) will be eligible for this CPD certificate. It identifies the learning outcomes achieved, it does not provide any indication of activity hours, because this is irrelevant for CPD Now endorsement. Participants who live in Australia, but attend the UK course may be eligible for an ASMIRT CPD certificate (see below). Participants who are not from the UK or Australia and fall under different CPD regulations will still receive a CPD certificate, but it may not be recognised by their local professional body.
In Australia, the course is endorsed by the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT). This accreditation is offered on an hourly basis (30 hours). Participants attending the Australian course (i.e. online courses delivered to AEDT) will be eligible for this CPD certificate. The certificate lists the hours of activity as required. Participants who live in the UK, but attend the Australian course may be eligible for a CPD Now certificate (see above). Participants who are not from Australia or the UK and fall under different CPD regulations will still receive a CPD certificate, but it may not be recognised by their professional body.
Participants from the USA are welcome to attend any of our courses, but we do not offer any CPD certification. This is largely due to the fact that most of our USA participants are veterinary radiologists and, therefore, do not fall under the same professional body as MRI Techs. In addition the cost and complexity of CPD approval in the USA is not worth our time and trouble for the number of participants for whom the appellation applies.
Please note
We cannot offer certificates with any other CPD accreditation or any other wording than the ones awarded at the end of each course because we do not have approval from any other professional bodies.
2.1 Course Pricing
Course pricing may vary by country and in some cases may be determined by third party organisers (as defined in section 1.1).
For courses administered by the presenters the fee will reflect the duration of the course, course content included, discounts applied (for example trial periods) the hours over which the course is presented (for example when presented at night time GMT) the cost of digital rights management, international exchange rates, conversion fees, and credit card fees applied.
2.2 Payments
For your peace of mind, all payments processed directly from are arranged through Stripe. Stripe provide a secure, fraud-protected, banking infrastructure for on-line payments. Stripe payments may not be available from your international location.
2.3 Refunds
There are no refunds offered under any circumstances for any of our courses.
For all other courses, please contact the course organiser for details. If a course is postponed for any reason, you will be offered a place on the rescheduled course.
3.1 Privacy - and the use of Cookies
The U.K.'s amended Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (PECR) Act 2011 was brought into force on May 26th, 2011.
This website uses cookies to enhance your web experience and there are other 3rd party cookies used to provide our web statistics (see below) and also allow the use of our social media plug-ins.
IMPORTANT - we wish to advise all visitors that this site uses a third-party analytics service to provide statistical data relating to how many visits are made to the site, the search terms used and the approximate geographical location of the visitors. The service is provided by Google who may use cookies of their own and collect data about users, has no access to this data.
We also use small widgets to allow visitors to share content over social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. These third party sites may also use cookies and collect data about their users - but has no access to this data. We use Stripe to collect and process payments for certain courses. We share information collected via stripe to contact you about payments and to confirm your booking but we do not keep this information on our own servers or share it with anyone.
In the event of you changing your password to access the online course, the password you provide is not stored on our server or database. Our software uses password hashing. Hashing turns your password into a short string of letters and/or numbers using an encryption algorithm. Potential hackers are unable to get access to your password. Instead, they just get access to the encrypted “hash” created by your password. It is not possible to decrypt this data.
If you are concerned about your privacy - and the use of cookies, most web browsers allow users to control cookies through the browser settings. To see which cookies are stored on your computer and to find out how to manage or delete them, visit
If you would like more information about Google analytics please visit the following link:
If you do not wish your browsing activity to be tracked by Google Analytics on any web site or in any browser you can opt out here:
In view of the above information we assume that your continued use of implies acknowledgement and consent to the above.
3.2 The Data Protection Act
When you fill in one of our on-line enquiry forms the web site simply generates an email containing the info you provide and sends it to the course organiser. This email is not shared with anyone and is not stored for longer than is necessary to reply to your query or register you on one of our courses. The data is therefore only used for advertising, marketing and public relations (in connection with our own activity) and as such, is exempt from the data protection act.
You can find out more from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) web site.
The world's longest running MRI course has had a major re-design.
The course is now exclusively online available to the whole of Europe, The USA, Canada and Australasia. It features 15 brand-new streaming lectures presented over 4 days, plus 10 additional on-demand lectures, available for the following 12 months completely FREE of charge.
Exclusively on-line and on-demand. Ten brand-new lectures covering the fundamentals of MRI - plus clinical technique for all of the commonly requested examinations in MRI. This course is essential viewing for anyone considering a career in MRI.
With the ever-rising cost of living and tight squeezes on training budgets, we strive to offer you the very highest quality MRI training and CPD fulfilment for a sensible, affordable, all-inclusive fee. At £800 GBP ($1000 USD, A$1,600 AUD) our course price is the the most competitive it has ever been (adusting for inflation the course is now less than half the price it was in the year 2000). Other providers charge high prices (per hour of taught content) seem to increase their prices every year and may even charge you numerous times for separate courses covering basics, advanced and clinical MRI. With our comprehensive programme you don't have to choose. When participants register on the MRI in Practice course, it includes all of the basics (including safety) plus the advanced topics and the clinical technique. If study leave is tight, or participants are very new to MRI, these sessions can be attended over two separate course deliveries if preferred. This allows participants to get a grasp of the basics and put them into practice before starting on the advanced subects.
That's not all - the entire Handbook of MRI Technique course is thrown in for free. Two courses for less than you would expect to pay for a single course!
After participants have enjoyed the 4-day MRI in Practice course, they receive credits to watch the entire Handbook of MRI Technique course on-demand, whenever it suits them. The first five lectures of the Handbook course are designed to form the perfect revision for the topics covered by the MRI in Practice course. Participants tell us that they really help to cement some of the concepts into place. The other five lectures are absolutely indispensable for those who are new to the field and wish to get up to speed with clinical practice in MRI. The course covers all of the most commonly-scanned body areas.
In summary, participants will enjoy:
All at a price that beats any of our competitors. In addition, the course is a valuable source of CPD:
If you are a manager or practice education lead, the price is important, but you will also be looking for the highest quality educational experience for your staff. The quality of this course is assured:
We are not aware of any other MRI courses having a faculty qualified to this level. Please take care when deciding on a course provider, fraudulent or fake education is becoming an increasing concern in pedagogical circles. If you are in any doubt about an education provider not having the necessary qualifications to be providing educational services, ask to see the learning and teaching certification for all members of their faculty. This must at least be a PgC in Learning and Teaching, and for teaching post graduates (such as radiographers) it should be an EdD or equivalent.
Our course currently enjoys an average customer excellence rating of [newfeedback-D10]% from our [newfeedback-D11] respondents attending between [newfeedback-D12] and [newfeedback-D13]. These statistics are collected anonymously at the end of every course via Google Forms.
The online course uses a combination of HD streaming video to present our trademark CGI graphics and user-friendly analogies that give our course an unsurpassed conceptual clarity that our participants really love. Our lectures use computer-generated imagery produced in-house and are the result of 15 years development and over 1000 CGI models and animations.
Some online course providers present their lectures directly from Zoom or by screen-sharing their own computer - this tends to result in a sub-optimal, jerky, low-resolution presentation with occasional dropouts due to loss of internet connection by the host and having to share bandwidth between a number of participants.
We don't do this, as teaching experts with over 30 years of experience in distance learning and blended learning (and, with formal academic qualifications in technology-enhanced learning) we use a blend of live face-to-face live sessions in Zoom (to introduce and conclude the course), an instant messaging and VoIP social platform which allows ad hoc Q/A and streaming HD video that is delivered via a professional broadcast server (AWS) to ensure the very highest quality and uninterrupted service , here is an example of what you can expect from our lectures…
Please feel free to share this video with anyone you think might be interested. There is a share icon at the top right corner of the screen when you hover your cursor over the window.