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United Kingdom, Europe, USA, Africa, Middle East

Our next online course for this region starts in:


We are now taking applications for UK (GMT) - Spring Course

10 Mar 2025 - 13 Mar 2025

UK (GMT) - Spring Course

Time Zone - London (GMT)

[intdates-G6]/[intdates-D6] places remaining

Course: MRI in Practice UK (GMT) - Spring Course

Duration: 4 days

Location: Online


We offer flexible attendance options, you can attend all four days together…

Day 01 - 10 Mar 2025 - Fundamentals
Day 02 - 11 Mar 2025 - Pulse Sequences
Day 03 - 12 Mar 2025 - Spatial Encoding
Day 04 - 13 Mar 2025 - Image Quality

…or split your attendance between two courses*

Day 01 - 10 Mar 2025 - Fundamentals
Day 02 - 11 Mar 2025 - Pulse Sequences

Day 03 - 25 Jun 2025 - Spatial Encoding
Day 04 - 26 Jun 2025 - Image Quality


ACCESS to our brand-new Handbook of MRI Technique Course!
Everyone enrolling on this course is also entitled to access to TEN additional on-demand lectures covering patient care and patent positioning for all major body areas. All for the regular price of the MRI in Practice course. Other providers run clinical courses or physics courses and charge for both - now you don't need to choose, we offer BOTH courses for the price of ONE!

Compare this deal with ANY other course provider before deciding which course to apply for.

*please read the terms and conditions relating to splitting your attendance.

[intdates-G6] places still available.
If you are seeking funding from your employer, we recommend applying now. This will secure your place in the event that the course sells out before funding is confirmed. Your place will then be confirmed when payment is received.

Dr Catherine Westbrook, Dr John Talbot

Pricing: £800
*participants splitting their attendance are required to make payment in full.

Continuing Professional Development
This course fulfils learning outcomes 1,2,3,6,7,9,11,19
as defined by The Society & College of Radiographers CPD Now.

Other Forthcoming UK Dates...

Spring Course - 10 Mar 2025 - 13 Mar 2025

Summer Course - 23 Jun 2025 - 26 Jun 2025

Autumn Course - 03 Nov 2025 - 06 Nov 2025

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The World’s Biggest MRI Course - at Home in the UK

Looking to apply today?

The next UK course is [intdates-B6] to [intdates-C6], there are [intdates-G6] places still available.

The World’s Biggest MRI Course

- at Home in the UK

Course Information

Course Information

MRI in Practice

The MRI in Practice course has been presented since 1992 and is the longest-running and probably the best-known course of its kind in the world. The course is presented by MRI in Practice authors Catherine Westbrook and John Talbot. Cathy and John are both qualified educators holding Masters degrees in MRI and are both Doctors of (medical) education. They have specialised in distance-learning via webinar for the last 15 years, having taught a Masters degree in MRI via distance-learning delivery. As such, they are ideally placed to offer the very highest quality educational experience in magnetic resonance imaging, both live and on-line.
Since its first publication in 1992 our book MRI in Practice has been the best-selling book in its field. This course is based on the book and will help you to grasp all of these important topics with ease. The new 5th edition has been completely redesigned to follow the course topics and combined with the high definition CGI graphics used in the course it will provide you with the best possible grounding for your CPD requirements or as an adjunct to academic study. If you are planning on attending the course we recommend purchasing the book as it essentially forms the "course notes" and will present you with all of the revision material you need once the course has ended.

The Course Content

The content is primarily aimed at radiographers/ MRI technologists who require CPD or are taking boards exams/academic courses. We also welcome veterinary practitioners, radiotherapy practitioners, physicians, radiologists, cardiologists and neurologists. The course features generic terminology and is therefore applicable to a multidisciplinary audience.

Since 2020, the course has been offered exclusively online. The online course format is exactly the same as a live course but with streaming lectures, Q&A (via an instant messaging and VoIP social platform) and revision sessions. Each day covers an important theme:

• Day 01 - Fundamental Principles
• Day 02 - Pulse Sequences
• Day 03 - Spatial Encoding
• Day 04 - Image Quality

In the UK (only), you can choose to purchase the full course, but split your attendance across two concurrent course deliveries. For example you could choose to attend days 01 and 02 on the Summer course and then days 03 and 04 on the following Autumn course. This may be attractive to participants who find it difficult to get long blocks of study leave, or anyone who is very new to MRI and wishes to put the basics into practice before attending the second two days. Other courses may be automatically offered in two sessions of 2 days each.

The Online Format

The online course uses a blend of HD streaming video and interactive chat sessions.
After application we will send you a link that allows you to enrol on our members-only site www.mri-in-practice.com. When you have registered with that site, you will be able to access a course information page that explains how the course works and also allows you to test out your computer hardware to make sure you can access our streaming content. It is very important to do this as soon as possible before the course begins.

Rewind, Revisit, Revise

Live lectures tend to look suboptimal when presented from online conferencing software - jerky, wobbly laggy and entirely dependent on the host's internet connection. One tiny glitch with the router and everyone is left looking at a blank screen. We thought we could do better, and all of the participant feedback for the online course shows that we have. We put the entire course on Amazon's professional video-streaming servers. It was a huge undertaking that took nearly 8 months. We wrote over 100,000 words of narration, we made the equivalent of 12 feature-films worth of lecture video, complete with professional quality computer generated imagery and professional audio recording. The resulting lectures are like nothing we have presented before.
All of the streaming content is delivered synchronously - just like a live course - but with the added bonus of extra time built into the programme that will allow you to revisit, re-watch and revise any parts of the lectures that you wish to see again. This is a major advantage that can only be realised using online delivery and our participants really love it.
Importantly, your viewing experience doesn't rely on the host's internet connection.
The face-to-face Q&A and revision sessions are delivered via webinar and an instant messaging and VoIP social platform. We will send you all the necessary links shortly before the course begins.
If you are interested in how the course was developed from an educational perspective, there is a blog post here.

Radiotherapy and Oncology Professionals

The proliferation of new hybrid MRI/Linac machines has resulted in a big influx of radiotherapy professionals to our courses. We are the preferred education provider for both Elekta and Philips Medical Systems who make these machines, so be reassured you are choosing the right course with MRI in Practice Online!

Veterinary Practitioners

Veterinary practitioners need look no further than MRI in Practice. We have been running the MRI in Practice course exclusively for veterinary radiologists and radiographers in the USA since 2017. These courses are presented in collaboration with veterinary MRI radiologist Amy Zalcman, formerly presented at the University of Missouri and now on-line. Feedback shows that veterinary practitioners find this course extremely beneficial. Our course is now a favourite MRI course for veterinary practitioners in the USA and the UK. We also attract a large number of veterinary practitioners on our annual Sydney course in Australia.


If you are an MRI educator, please contact us before making any applications. We are happy to present the course to your students and may be able to offer a discount. We do not accept applications from educators directly.

International Timings

The course runs over 4 days in real-time, it is offered in two opposing time zones, UTC (best for UK and European participants) and UTC+11 (best for Australasia and USA participants). Participants from any of the countries listed on this website are all eligible to attend any of our courses - but please bear your time zone in mind when choosing which course to apply for.
Please note that the USA course is run in the afternoon/evening.

The only other compulsory requirement is that you have a webcam that is fully operational for the course introduction and closing sessions.

If you have any queries please contact


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Our Programme - Compact and Constructively-Aligned

Our Programme - Compact, Varied and Constructively-Aligned

Download our brochure

Keep our course details handy to show your manager or colleagues, or compare to any other courses you may be considering.

  • Full list of lectures
  • Lecture content
  • Course Programme
  • Course Rationale

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MRI in Practice Online: Interactive Programme and International Programme Timings

MRI in Practice Online: Interactive Programme and Programme Timings

How to use the interactive programme...

All of our courses are open to an international audience. The programme below shows suggested lecture timings for your location.
Please note that this is an online course. The lectures for each day are available for the whole day - these timings are only provided as a suggestion.

Click the name of the city nearest to where you live to convert the lecture timings to your own local time.
The time column will display a coloured background. Times with a green background are during working hours. Orange shading indicates out of working hours and red indicates lectures that may be at inconvenient times for where you live.
If the timing column is predominantly red, consider the Australian Eastern Daylight programme instead. The timings for the AEDT course are more likely to be acceptable to participants in North America, for example.

IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE Participants living in Perth and Western Australia may find the UK (GMT) course timing preferable.

The timings are adjusted for daylight saving time.

Proposed programme for our forthcoming USA course commencing 02 Feb 2025

MRI in Practice 4 day Programme

NEW course for 2023! A Handbook of MRI Technique Online (On Demand Lectures)

In addition to the 15 lectures shown above, all participants attending MRI in Practice Online will also be given access to our new Handbook of MRI Technique course completely free of charge!
This is an amazing deal that no other course provider can match. The Handbook course is based on our book of the same name and covers clinical indications, patient care, patient preparation and screening, MRI technique (patient positioning, slice prescription and pulse sequences) anatomy and pathology - for all major body areas PLUS 5 concise technical lectures that revisit and reinforce the concepts covered on the MRI in Practice course - making it perfect for revision. Other providers teach this material using OUR BOOK - cut out the middle-man. Don't pay for a physics course and a clinical technique course when we offer you both for the price of one!

Best of all, the Handbook course is available on demand and the lectures can be accessed wherever and whenever the participants wish to take part. MRI in Practice (4-day course) applicants will be given exclusive access to this new course and it is not available anywhere else!

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Pricing for the UK (GMT) - Spring Course

10 Mar 2025 - 13 Mar 2025

Pricing for the UK (GMT) - Spring Course

The price for this course is £800. The fee includes:

04 days online teaching via Zoom
12 live Q&A and revision sessions with Catherine Westbrook and John Talbot
15 streaming lectures from MRI in Practice Online (total content almost 20 hours)
10 on-demand lectures from Handbook of MRI Technique Course (total content 5.6 hours)
2 year certificate SCOR-endorsed continuing professional development, fulfilling learning outcomes 1,2,3,6,7,9,11,19 as defined by CPD Now.

To register for the course please use the form below. Please note that your place is only secured once payment has been received. This includes applicants who are being sponsored by their employer. Applicants whose invoices are not paid by the start-date of the course will be offered a place on the next available course (pending payment). Participants wishing to split their attendance between two courses (perhaps to facilitate study-leave) pay for the full course in one single instalment.


Education or CPD facilitators and imaging department managers. If you are comparing our prices with any other course providers please watch out for their hidden charges such as VAT. Our price, shown above, is the full all-in price you will pay. We have kept this low price for the last 20 years (adjusting for inflation the course used to cost the equivalent of £1,800 back in the year 2000). The course price is now the lowest it has ever been.
Also - take a little time to calculate how much other course providers are charging per hour of taught content. We found a recent example where a training company was charging £72.00 per hour of lecturing - just for an Introduction to MRI course.
Our course, intended to cover everything your staff need to know (and delivered by presenters who are both Doctors of Education and both holding Masters of Science degrees in MRI) is less than half that amount at just £26 per hour of taught content.

NHS Purchase Orders and Shared Business Services
NHS providers who wish to add us to SBS or raise a purchase order, please let us know at courseemail. We can then send you the necessary documentation.

Apply now for UK (GMT) - Spring Course

10 Mar 2025 - 13 Mar 2025

UK (GMT) - Spring Course

Time Zone - London (GMT)

[intdates-G6]/[intdates-D6] places remaining

Course: MRI in Practice UK (GMT) - Spring Course

Duration: 4 days

Location: Online


We offer flexible attendance options, you can attend all four days together…

Day 01 - 10 Mar 2025 - Fundamentals
Day 02 - 11 Mar 2025 - Pulse Sequences
Day 03 - 12 Mar 2025 - Spatial Encoding
Day 04 - 13 Mar 2025 - Image Quality

…or split your attendance between two courses*

Day 01 - 10 Mar 2025 - Fundamentals
Day 02 - 11 Mar 2025 - Pulse Sequences

Day 03 - 25 Jun 2025 - Spatial Encoding
Day 04 - 26 Jun 2025 - Image Quality


ACCESS to our brand-new Handbook of MRI Technique Course!
Everyone enrolling on this course is also entitled to access to TEN additional on-demand lectures covering patient care and patent positioning for all major body areas. All for the regular price of the MRI in Practice course. Other providers run clinical courses or physics courses and charge for both - now you don't need to choose, we offer BOTH courses for the price of ONE!

Compare this deal with ANY other course provider before deciding which course to apply for.

*please read the terms and conditions relating to splitting your attendance.

[intdates-G6] places still available.
If you are seeking funding from your employer, we recommend applying now. This will secure your place in the event that the course sells out before funding is confirmed. Your place will then be confirmed when payment is received.

Dr Catherine Westbrook, Dr John Talbot

Pricing: £800
*participants splitting their attendance are required to make payment in full.

Continuing Professional Development
This course fulfils learning outcomes 1,2,3,6,7,9,11,19
as defined by The Society & College of Radiographers CPD Now.

Application form

If you are ready to apply and make a payment right now, please complete this form.
If you are an MRI educator/lecturer/course presenter please contact us (courseemail) before making any application or payment.

A secure payment page will open when the form is submitted. You may pay today by card or request an invoice for your sponsor or employer (UK applicants only). Non-UK applicants may only pay by card.
Applicants paying by credit card, please do not complete the form until you are ready to make payment.
Invoice applicants, please continue.



Bosnia & Herzegovina

The Netherlands

United Kingdom

Please note that the programme timing will vary according to the time-zone offset for your country. The course is run synchronously according to either UK time (GMT) (BST) or Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT). We recommend that you choose the course that offers the most convenient timing for where you live. For European participants, this is likely to be the UK course.


New Zealand

Hong Kong

Please note that the programme timing will vary according to the time-zone offset for your country or state. The course is run synchronously according to either UK time (GMT) (BST) or Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT). We recommend that you choose the course that offers the most convenient timing for where you live.
Applicants living in Perth or Western Australia can attend any course (GMT BST or AEDT). The AEDT course (January) will run from very early morning (5:30 am - 14:00pm). The BST courses (June and October) will run from mid afternoon (15:30 - midnight). You may find the latter more convenient and it may help facilitate attendance when study leave is tight.


South Africa

Please note that the programme timing will vary according to the time-zone offset for your country. The course is run synchronously according to either UK time (GMT) (BST) or Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT). We recommend that you choose the course that offers the most convenient timing for where you live. For Kenya and South Africa this is likely to be the UK course GMT or BST).


United Arab Emirates

Hong Kong

Please note that the programme timing will vary according to the time-zone offset for your country. The course is run synchronously according to either UK time (GMT) (BST) or Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT). We recommend that you choose the course that offers the most convenient timing for where you live.


United States of America

Please note that the programme timing will vary according to the time-zone offset for your country or state. The course is run synchronously according to UK time (GMT) (BST) or Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT). Please note that the USA course (as advertised) runs in the evening from 16:00 - 00:30 (Central Standard Time). It is presented synchronously with the AEDT course. For participants living in North America, this is likely to be a more acceptable timing than the courses offered at GMT or BST.

The course you wish to attend...

We now offer flexible attendance options.
You can attend all four days in one session, or split your attendance between this course (10 Mar 2025 - 11 Mar 2025) and the summer course (25 Jun 2025 - 26 Jun 2025).

If you wish to split your attendance please indicate this from the menu below. Note: the same participant must attend both sessions, we do not accept substitutions or provide refunds in the event that someone is unable to attend the second session.

About you...

please enter your first name exactly as you want it to be displayed on your CPD certificate

please enter your surname exactly as you want it to be displayed on your CPD certificate

Your contact details...

Your receipt will be sent to this email address.

Please enter the location from which you will be accessing the course below. This must be your home address as it must match the ip address location collected by the the software that permits access to the on-line course over the dates on which it is presented. The online course uses geo-targeting technology to ensure that participants are in one of our approved locations. Furthermore, the course is not accessible from commercial locations, universities or hospitals. If you are applying from a commercial location or hospital, and would like us to run the course for your employees, please contact us for discount pricing.

This MUST be the HOME address of the participant.

IMPORTANT: this course is only accessible to people living in the countries listed above.

Payment Information

You have two options:

1. Request an invoice to be paid by your employer or sponsor (UK applicants only).
2. Pay immediately by credit card (i.e. pay right now after having submitted this form).

Participants splitting their attendance are required to make payment in full.
If you are intending to pay for yourself by credit card but do not wish to pay today, please only submit this form when you are ready to make a payment. Submitting a form without payment does not reserve a place.
If you are a UK applicant requesting an invoice please continue to submit.

If you selected payment by invoice and you know the name of the person paying please provide it below.

for example the finance officer, manager or education lead who will be paying for your place.

Thanks, that is all we need for now.

IMPORTANT, clicking the submit button will open a payments page if you wish to make a card payment immediately. Please ensure that the email address used to make the payment is the same email address that you supplied above. Clicking the apply button confirms that you have read and agree to our terms and conditions as set out below. Please remember that this course is only accessible to persons who are resident in the countries listed above this form and on the dates of the course applied for. Do not apply or pay unless you are living in one of these approved locations as you will not be able to access the lectures from other locations (DRM protection).

Processing... this may take up to 60 seconds

Our Terms & Conditions, Please Read Carefully Before Applying

1.0 The Course

1.1 The Course Organisers

The MRI in Practice course is presented exclusively on-line. The presenters are Dr. Catherine Westbrook and Dr. John Talbot (hereafter identified as the presenters).
The presenters are sole traders offering private tuition. We are not a registered company. The course is classed as private tuition and is delivered via Zoom meeting and incorporates teaching materials in the form of streaming-video lectures. All enquiries should be directed to ObscureMyEmail.

In some cases the presenters are contracted to deliver the course by a third-party course organiser who administers the course. In some cases the organiser may be a registered company involved in health, education or both.
All requests for information relating to the administration of such courses, including payments, refunds etc should be directed to the course organiser.

1.2 Course Content

The course materials are updated constantly, to keep pace with changes within the field of MRI and to take advantage of the latest presentation technology and as such the course content may vary over time. The programme provided on this web site and in our promotional materials is for guidance only and we reserve the right to alter the timing and running order of the lectures to meet the requirements of the individual organiser and the venue.

1.3 Course Attendance

MRI In Practice is only offered on a whole-course basis, as a 4-day event. Participants only wishing to attend for particular days are welcome to do so, however, the price is the same as the 4-day event and no CPD certificate can be awarded unless the participant has been seen to attend the whole course and watch all the lectures. Participants who are taken ill during the course and who are unable to attend sessions may be offered an opportunity to attend the following course. There are no alternatives offered, lectures are not made available for private viewing or on-demand. They are only available to watch whilst the course is in progress.

For the UK/Europe course (Greenwich Mean Time or British Summer Time), participants can choose to split their attendance across two consecutive courses. This flexible approach may help to facilitate study leave, and also will allow people who are very new to the field, to put the basic principles into practice before attending the second two days. This option is offered under the following firm conditions:

The full course fee is paid up front at the time of registration.
The days must be attended in the correct order.
The person registering and attending days 01 and 02 must be the same person attending days 03 and 04. Attendance may not be shared between a number of people.
Both courses must be UK/Europe deliveries.
If the participant is unable to attend days 03 and 04, for any reason, the remainder of the course fee is forfeited. No refunds are available and no substitutions may be made, there is no option to switch dates to a further course delivery.
A CPD certificate is awarded only after having attended all four days.

1.4 Intellectual Property and Copyright Issues

The names MRI in Practice, and MRI in Practice / The Course are copyright 1992-present date Blackwell Science (Wiley Books) & Dr. Catherine Westbrook.
All text and graphics in this web site and in the course materials are copyright (2009-present date) Blackwell Science (Wiley Books) and Dr. John Talbot.

Photography, digital downloading, audio recording, screen-grabbing and video recording of the course content is strictly prohibited including (but not limited to) the use of mobile phones, iPods, iPads, tablet PCs, voice recorders, digital cameras and any type of computer. The presenters reserve the right to disable access to participants in the event that any of these activities are reported by the video server.

1.5 On-line course protection against copyright theft

The online course uses geo-location software and digital fingerprinting that can be detected in the event that a video is recorded by any means. Your attendance on the course implies consent to our use of such software and the placing of cookies on your computer. This content may be used as evidence to explicitly identify the person who captured the recording by date time and location. If such content gets into the public domain we always take legal action against the person responsible. Please do not attempt to record or share on-line content. Offenders will be prosecuted.
This includes screening the lectures to any third party. The on-line lectures are for individual rental as part of the course fee. Public screening, or screening in an institution such as a school, hospital or university may constitute a civil or criminal offence. Accessing the lectures from a hospital, educational establishment, commercial premises or public space is prohibited. There are no exceptions made to this rule. In such cases legal action will be taken against the institution in question and they will be banned from accessing any further courses.

CPD Certificates

Participants attending the online course will receive a certificate.
Participants who have been seen to attend (watch) the full course will receive a CPD certificate. Participants who have not seen to have attended the full course will receive a certificate of attendance. The lecture server keeps a track of content accessed.
The CPD offered depends on which course has been attended:

In the UK, the course is endorsed by the Society and College of Radiographers CPD Now. This is offered on a whole-course basis (i.e. not by the hour). Participants attending the UK course (i.e. online courses delivered to GMT/BST) will be eligible for this CPD certificate. It identifies the learning outcomes achieved, it does not provide any indication of activity hours, because this is irrelevant for CPD Now endorsement. Participants who live in Australia, but attend the UK course may be eligible for an ASMIRT CPD certificate (see below). Participants who are not from the UK or Australia and fall under different CPD regulations will still receive a CPD certificate, but it may not be recognised by their local professional body.

In Australia, the course is endorsed by the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT). This accreditation is offered on an hourly basis (30 hours). Participants attending the Australian course (i.e. online courses delivered to AEDT) will be eligible for this CPD certificate. The certificate lists the hours of activity as required. Participants who live in the UK, but attend the Australian course may be eligible for a CPD Now certificate (see above). Participants who are not from Australia or the UK and fall under different CPD regulations will still receive a CPD certificate, but it may not be recognised by their professional body.

Participants from the USA are welcome to attend any of our courses, but we do not offer any CPD certification. This is largely due to the fact that most of our USA participants are veterinary radiologists and, therefore, do not fall under the same professional body as MRI Techs. In addition the cost and complexity of CPD approval in the USA is not worth our time and trouble for the number of participants for whom the appellation applies.

Please note
We cannot offer certificates with any other CPD accreditation or any other wording than the ones awarded at the end of each course because we do not have approval from any other professional bodies.

2.0 Fees and Payments

2.1 Course Pricing

Course pricing may vary by country and in some cases may be determined by third party organisers (as defined in section 1.1).
For courses administered by the presenters the fee will reflect the duration of the course, course content included, discounts applied (for example trial periods) the hours over which the course is presented (for example when presented at night time GMT) the cost of digital rights management, international exchange rates, conversion fees, and credit card fees applied.

2.2 Payments

For your peace of mind, all payments processed directly from www.mrieducation.com are arranged through Stripe. Stripe provide a secure, fraud-protected, banking infrastructure for on-line payments. Stripe payments may not be available from your international location.

2.3 Refunds

There are no refunds offered under any circumstances for any of our courses.


For all other courses, please contact the course organiser for details. If a course is postponed for any reason, you will be offered a place on the rescheduled course.

3.0 Your Privacy and the Data Protection Act

3.1 Privacy - and the use of Cookies

The U.K.'s amended Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (PECR) Act 2011 was brought into force on May 26th, 2011.

This website www.mrieducation.com uses cookies to enhance your web experience and there are other 3rd party cookies used to provide our web statistics (see below) and also allow the use of our social media plug-ins.

IMPORTANT - we wish to advise all visitors that this site uses a third-party analytics service to provide statistical data relating to how many visits are made to the site, the search terms used and the approximate geographical location of the visitors. The service is provided by Google who may use cookies of their own and collect data about users, www.mrieducation.com has no access to this data.
We also use small widgets to allow visitors to share content over social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. These third party sites may also use cookies and collect data about their users - but www.mrieducation.com has no access to this data. We use Stripe to collect and process payments for certain courses. We share information collected via stripe to contact you about payments and to confirm your booking but we do not keep this information on our own servers or share it with anyone.

In the event of you changing your password to access the online course, the password you provide is not stored on our server or database. Our software uses password hashing. Hashing turns your password into a short string of letters and/or numbers using an encryption algorithm. Potential hackers are unable to get access to your password. Instead, they just get access to the encrypted “hash” created by your password. It is not possible to decrypt this data.

If you are concerned about your privacy - and the use of cookies, most web browsers allow users to control cookies through the browser settings. To see which cookies are stored on your computer and to find out how to manage or delete them, visit www.allaboutcookies.org

If you would like more information about Google analytics please visit the following link: http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html

If you do not wish your browsing activity to be tracked by Google Analytics on any web site or in any browser you can opt out here: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

In view of the above information we assume that your continued use of www.mrieducation.com implies acknowledgement and consent to the above.

3.2 The Data Protection Act

When you fill in one of our on-line enquiry forms the web site simply generates an email containing the info you provide and sends it to the course organiser. This email is not shared with anyone and is not stored for longer than is necessary to reply to your query or register you on one of our courses. The data is therefore only used for advertising, marketing and public relations (in connection with our own activity) and as such, is exempt from the data protection act.
You can find out more from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) web site.

Feedback from the [newfeedback-D11] global course participants we have welcomed since 2024.

Our course currently enjoys an average customer excellence rating of [newfeedback-D10]% from our [newfeedback-D11] respondents attending between [newfeedback-D12] and [newfeedback-D13]. These statistics are collected anonymously at the end of every course via Google Forms.

Course Delivery

Quality Metrics

Delegate feedback about recent courses...

  • It was a well oiled machine! With physics not being my strong suit, for me it was beneficial to have it broken down in the way it was presented. 

    The way the contents were organised during the lectures and the animated schematics, helped to understand better how MRI physics happen. 

    Thank you very much for this 4 day course, was worth it!

  • The whole course ran very smoothly. Excellent graphics. Ran smoothly on my computer.

     Plenty of quick re-caps from previous lectures in order to make sense of new information.

     Explained in a way in which I now understand concepts that I didn't before.

  • I think it is the best online course I have attended so far.

    The visual diagrams were amazing and shows that a lot of work has gone into creating the course. 

    As a person who is not naturally good at physics it really helped my understanding of the subject and kept me engaged in the presentation.

  • I liked the interactive sessions after each lecture and the quizzes at the end of the day. 

    I also liked the fact you could replay or pause when listening.

  • Best course I have ever attended.

    The whole course and layout was very thorough and well executed. The animations and diagrams were extremely helpful and the communication from the get go, and the way the whole course was explained (emails, discord) was great.

  • Very convenient, the lectures are very well taught in a systemised order. 

    Presenters are very knowledgeable and would definitely use this course as my number one reference for MRI imaging.

    I enjoyed it and both Dr Westbrook and Dr Talbot were amazing.

  • I liked being able to rewind and pause the lectures so I could learn at my own pace within a given time frame. 

    At a live event I would have missed half the content and wouldn't have learnt as much.

  • I've been scanning for a long time and studied these concepts before but the content and explanation was the best I've experienced.

    I refreshed a lot of my knowledge in MRI and learned new and interesting things that I will apply to my daily scanning! 

    Thank you! Great experience.

  • Course was fully-loaded, interesting, educating. 

    Lecturers were very knowledgeable and could impart knowledge. 

    Video graphics were excellent and delivered 100%

  • The animations were superb making some of the most difficult concepts comprehensible.

    In tandem with the explanations given by the speakers a difficult subject was made accessible.

    The artefact sections were incredibly useful to identify and will be applying that to practice.

*statistics and testimonials collected via Mentimeter anonymous on-line survey of course participants.



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Endorsed by the UK Society and College of Radiographers

MRI in Practice is CPD endorsed by the Society and College of Radiographers.
The Certificate of Endorsement states that this course supports the following important outcomes:

01. Practical skills
02. Knowledge base
03. Work safely
06. Manage knowledge/information
07. High-quality healthcare/education services
09. Inter-professional/agency working or learning
11. Workforce development or staff governance
19. Evidence to support practice

If you are considering registering for an MRI course other than MRI in Practice, ask for evidence that they have CPD NOW endorsement and check how many of the above outcomes are supported. This is an important benchmark and without such it is likely that a course is not fit for purpose as a CPD resource. Please note that we have outcome 7 - which is your assurance of the high-quality of our courses.

International Accreditation and Affiliations

Historically, our course has been accredited and endorsed by the following prestigious institutions:

  • Accreditatiebureau ADAP onderdeel van Stichting Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici
  • American Society of Radiologic Technologists
  • Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy
  • British Institute of Radiology
  • European Federation of Radiographic Societies (EFRS)
  • Forum for Professional Development - Norwegian Society of Radiographers
  • IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Croatia
  • Institute for Professional Development of Physicians in Sweden
  • Kuwait Institute of Medical Specialisation
  • Malta MRI Radiographers Society
  • Norsk Radiografforbund
  • Qatar Health Congress
  • Romanian Radiology Society/College of Physicians,
  • Romanian Society of MRI Radiologists
  • Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
  • Rush University Medical School, Chicago
  • Society of Radiography Kenya (SORK)
  • Society of Radiological Technicians and Nuclear Medicine Technicians of Serbia.
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • UK College of Radiographers (CPD NOW)
  • University of Malta
  • University of Missouri
  • University of Qatar
  • University of Sharjah (Emirates),
  • University of Zagreb

We do not believe that any other MRI course in the World has so many affiliations, and we are very proud to have the support and accreditation from these institutions.

CPD Certificates

Participants attending the online course will receive a certificate.
Participants who have been seen to attend (watch) the full course will receive a CPD certificate. Participants who have not seen to have attended the full course will receive a certificate of attendance. The lecture server keeps a track of content accessed.
The CPD offered depends on which course has been attended:

In the UK, the course is endorsed by the Society and College of Radiographers CPD Now. This is offered on a whole-course basis (i.e. not by the hour). Participants attending the UK course (i.e. online courses delivered to GMT/BST) will be eligible for this CPD certificate. It identifies the learning outcomes achieved, it does not provide any indication of activity hours, because this is irrelevant for CPD Now endorsement. Participants who live in Australia, but attend the UK course may be eligible for an ASMIRT CPD certificate (see below). Participants who are not from the UK or Australia and fall under different CPD regulations will still receive a CPD certificate, but it may not be recognised by their local professional body.

In Australia, the course is endorsed by the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT). This accreditation is offered on an hourly basis (30 hours). Participants attending the Australian course (i.e. online courses delivered to AEDT) will be eligible for this CPD certificate. The certificate lists the hours of activity as required. Participants who live in the UK, but attend the Australian course may be eligible for a CPD Now certificate (see above). Participants who are not from Australia or the UK and fall under different CPD regulations will still receive a CPD certificate, but it may not be recognised by their professional body.

Participants from the USA are welcome to attend any of our courses, but we do not offer any CPD certification. This is largely due to the fact that most of our USA participants are veterinary radiologists and, therefore, do not fall under the same professional body as MRI Techs. In addition the cost and complexity of CPD approval in the USA is not worth our time and trouble for the number of participants for whom the appellation applies.

Please note
We cannot offer certificates with any other CPD accreditation or any other wording than the ones awarded at the end of each course because we do not have approval from any other professional bodies.

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Previous Courses in the UK and Ireland

Previous Courses in the UK and Ireland




1992 - 2000 (40 courses)


The Oxford MRI Centre

2000-2002 (10 courses)

Minster Lovell
Milton Hill

The Mill
Eynsham Hall
Milton Hill
Longhirst Hall

2002 - 2009 (34 courses)


Creech Castle
The Inn at Woburn
Royal Stoke Hospital
Warwick Conferences
Burlington Hotel
Royal Marriott Hotel
St James Hospital

2010 - 2019 (50 courses)


Linton House
St James Hospital

2020 - 2023 (12 Courses to date)



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© 1998 - 2025, John Talbot and Catherine Westbrook.

For general course enquiries that do not appear to be covered on the
info page or the dates page - contact us at ObscureMyEmail